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Colour Analysis

Personal Colour Analysis is the way to find out your most harmonious colours. This process helps to determine what colours complement your skin, hair, and eye tones, making it easier for you to choose clothing and makeup that will make you look your absolute best.

Wearing the right colours has lots of benefits – it evens out our skin tone by diminishing lines, blemishes and dark circles; it helps the complexion to look more radiant; it brings definition to your natural features; and imparts a general look of well-being.


Selecting the wrong colours can have the opposite effects and leave you looking off.


If you want to have a wardrobe that makes you feel great, it´s paramount to find the colours that will flatter you the most.


The analysis will take place in your house, and it needs to be done during the day – when we have natural lighting available.


The drapes are the most important tool of the colour analysis process. The fabrics are carefully selected to be compared with each other and with your skin. We have different sets of drapes, and they are used in a specific sequence.


During this process, we will compare how your skin reacts to the different drapes and we will identify the following characteristics of your natural beauty, matching you to an specific season:


• Hue: Warm or Cool

• Value: Light or Dark

• Chroma: Bright or Muted

• And your natural contrast level

Ana Silva Client's Colour analysis

1. Once your colours are identified, building a wardrobe comes with ease. By knowing your colours, you can make your clothing items go much further by creating a carefully curated closet that mixes and matches effortlessly. When your wardrobe is in harmony, the wardrobe combinations are endless!


2. When you know which colours look best on you, you can shop for clothes that are both stylish and flattering. That means that you’ll be less likely to make impulse purchases of items that end up sitting in your closet because they don’t look good on you.


3. You’ll know the exact shade of lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, bronzer, and mascara that looks best on you! You’ll also be able to choose accessories that always look great.


Colour Analysis isn't about transforming you, 

is about enhancing the beauty you already have!

​Here's what you get:

  • Personalised digital colour e-book with more than 30 pages, which includes:

    • Digital colour palette

    • Your best colours and neutrals

    • Your best patterns & prints

    • Complete make-up guide

    • Complete accessories guide

    • Complete Hair Colour Guide

    • Outfit, make-up and nail polish Inspirations 

  • Colour Swatch card in your best palette, exactly like this one on the photo on the right, with more than 60 colours in your palette, make-up and combinations. â€‹They offer you an easy and convenient way to always have your colours with you and will be able to always buy assertive pieces.


Ana Silva Colour Analysis Swatch

1h30 minutes Session

Investment: $280


Get in Touch

Brisbane - QLD

0449 990 841

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